quarta-feira, 6 de maio de 2009

Problems buying airfare

Raquel and I bought airfare for our trip to Brazil this weekend and had a difficult time. 

The only site that accepted my visa card was www.voegol.com. Wells Fargo locked my check card after my purchase. I was able to unlock it the next day after calling them and verifying that I had in fact purchased airfare within Brazil, and no, I did not want to sign up for their extra special new credit card.

Tam has an international site: www.tamairlines.com.
For reason's I can't fathom, you can't select the United States as your country- the choices are limited to other countries in South America and Europe. You might be able to select United Kingdom and use your credit card anyway.  It is, however, possible to book flights on TAM through Expedia.

Webjet unfortunately does not accept international credit cards over the web, and requires a CPF (Brazil's equivalent of a Social Security Number) to buy airfare, limiting the service to Brazilian citizens. This is unfortunate because they have some of the best prices available, provided you are willing to deal with their terribly made website.

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