Our wedding reception will be at Villa 305 in the Boa Vista (scroll up and left on map) neighborhood in Porto Alegre. It's a nice neighborhood and has several hotel options.
First, there is the Sheraton, which is 2.3 km from the place of the reception. It runs about US $120 a night for a room for 2 adults. The website is in English.
Next, there is the Holiday Inn, which is 1.7 km from the reception. It runs around R$180 (~US $90). There is a promotion on their website in Portuguesee for R$165.
There is also the Blue Tree towers, which is located 1.5 km from the reception and will cost at minimum R$ 139.
There are of course places to stay outside of Boa Vista. We can recommend the Master Hotel
in Cidade Baixa, located on the Av. Lima e Silva where Raquel used to live. The neighborhood is full of students and has cafes, and nightlife, but is slightly less safe- it's worth exercising caution when out at night. It starts at R$100.
There are many other options ranging from very cheap to expensive so feel free to have a look on the web. When you have an idea of where you would like to stay, please or leave a comment on this blog or send me an email - We plan to try to book several rooms at once at the same place to receive a discount.
I'll post info about some cheaper hotels when I have the chance.