The basics:
Hello: Oi (hi) and olá (hello, pronounced like 'hola' in Spanish, but with more emphasis on the last syllable)
Goodbye: Até logo, tchau ("chowe")
Thank you: Obrigado (if you are male), Obrigada (if you are female)
Coffee: Café
I would like a coffee: Eu gostaria de um café.
I would like a beer: Eu gostaria de uma cerveja.
I would like to go to this address: Eu quero ir para ese endereço.
I am an American / a foreigner: Eu sou Americano / extrangeiro
My name is: Meu nome é
Good morning, good afternoon, good night: bom dia, boa tarde, boa noite.
Here are some scans of a book with basic Portuese that may help: